Fern House

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Want an easy, everyday way to help men in recovery?

Foundations for the Future

For the last forty plus years, Fern House has held a one primary goal in mind, help men get off drugs, successfully navigate through early recovery and rebuild their lives. For years Fern House has successfully accomplished its mission without the need to fund raise to support program operations. We are fortunate in that our program is self-sufficient in that no fundraising is necessary to keep the doors open. 100% of our fundraising efforts are for capital improvements to our facilities and expansions of services allowing us to serve more clients.

With those thoughts in mind, in 2018 Fern House embarked on its largest ever capital campaign. The Foundations for the Future Campaign will allow us to remove a building from our Church Street property that is over sixty years old and in need of serious and immediate repair, replace that building with a state of the art kitchen and dining facility with improved capacities in the areas of seating as well as nutrition. We will also be adding a recreation room and additional office space that will put us on a path to succeed in future expansion efforts.

Fern House will be raising $3,000,000 to develop and construct a state of the art kitchen facility along with a new dining facility large enough to accommodate our entire client base. To achieve success, we need the support and generosity of the local businesses, charitable organizations, and individual community members.

We invite you to help us lay the “Foundation to the Future” by donating to the campaign. As of 2024 construction is nearly complete so click the link below and help us finish off this massive improvement to the facilities that serve our residents. With your support, Fern House’s Foundation will be forever rock solid.

Want an easy, everyday way to help men in recovery?

Amazon Smile Donation

Consider making Fern House your charity of choice when shopping on Amazon Smile; the same as Amazon, offering the same great products, prices and service and, BONUS, a chance to make a positive change simply by shopping! Fern House will receive a .5% donation on all of your eligible Amazon purchases at no cost to you!

Fern House Donations

Make a Donation Today

Help us open our doors to those unable to open them for themselves. Our Indigent Care Fund has allowed us to open the doors to over a thousand men that otherwise might not have been able to find help. Your contribution to Fern House will help ensure we can continue our mission to restore dignity and hope to those suffering from addiction. donation of $250.00 will allow us to take a homeless person off the streets and give them a starting point to rebuild a life of purpose. With your help, we can continue our mission to restore dignity and hope to those suffering from addiction.