Many would say early recovery is hard. We like to think of early recovery as different.
It requires different actions, different choices, and different people in our lives. The real challenge in recovery is being able to go outside your comfort zone to incorporate those new actions, choices, and people into our daily routine.
Whatever your normal routine, go ahead and leave that at home. Our daily schedule may seem like too much, it might even seem hard. Life is hard and we want to prepare our residents to stand on their own two feet in all aspects of life. Because of that, the first two weeks can be a culture shock. Once you learn the new routine; recovery is a much easier life than addiction, that we can promise you.
Executive Director
Meetings are a big part of every resident’s stay at Fern House. There are several reasons why they’re mandatory.
1. Meetings provide support and practical help. Most people who are successful at getting off drugs and alcohol say that supportive meetings are a necessity. These 12-step and other sobriety support meetings are a proven way to keep addicts focused and give them the encouragement and practical guidance that they need.
2. It’s a good habit to start. Once they leave the safe, protected environment of a sober house, our clients will need to attend meetings in order to stay sober. Requiring meeting attendance helps them get into the habit of doing that and it also shows them how helpful these groups are.
3. They show responsibility. Following rules and keeping to a schedule are important habits for addicts to learn. Many of our clients were living disordered, chaotic lives before they got here. Attendance at meetings is an important part of learning to live a new, responsible and sober life.
4. They provide support to family members. At Fern House, we never forget the damage that substance abuse wreaks on families. Al-Anon is an invaluable support group for family members of addicts and alcoholics. At Fern House, we sponsor free Al-Anon meetings that are open to all residents’ family members.
5. They help our clients help each other. We are committed to teaching our residents the importance of mutual help and fellowship. This is an AA principle and it’s also one of ours. Meetings are the perfect opportunity to learn these skills.
Fern House is a 501(c)(3) registered charity based in West Palm Beach, Florida. We house 56 residents at full capacity.
Fern House accepts no federal, state or local funding. All of our operations and expenses are paid by the residents, who pay their own rent and other expenses. We do not fundraise operating costs. All fundraising goes towards capital projects and future expansion.
Taxpayers, Not Tax Burdens. Fern House accepts no government taxpayer funds, we have a formula that allows us to exist without tax dollars. This financial responsibility is a key part of Fern House’s success. Too many men that we see have struggled a whole lifetime with addictions that have cost them their jobs, their families and their self-respect also usually, their finances are in disarray. They might have court-ordered settlements to pay. Typically, they’re used to spending everything they earn on their drug of choice.
Fern House turns that around, making each resident a responsible taxpayer instead of a tax burden. Every resident is required to have a job, participate in nightly meetings and house meetings, and share in the household chores.
Many of the men who arrive at Fern House are at the end of their ropes financially, legally and socially. These are the men most at risk of falling through the cracks of other programs. At Fern House, we help them get off the streets, stand on their own feet and rebuild their lives from the ground up.